this is called shenga puthani hindi.

This goes very well with batata poha,curd rice,lemon rice and I add a little bit of this chutni on dry potato curry.
1 /2 cup roasted peanuts(ground nuts)
1/2 cup roasted Dalia(puthani)
few pinches of hing(asafoetida)
salt to taste
2 tbsp red chili powder or as per taste
1 clove garlic.
This goes very well with batata poha,curd rice,lemon rice and I add a little bit of this chutni on dry potato curry.
1 /2 cup roasted peanuts(ground nuts)
1/2 cup roasted Dalia(puthani)
few pinches of hing(asafoetida)
salt to taste
2 tbsp red chili powder or as per taste
1 clove garlic.
roast garlic along with dalia and let all ingredients cool completely.
add together in a mixer grinder and make a powder (do not make it very fine)
store in air tight jar for a week or two.
add together in a mixer grinder and make a powder (do not make it very fine)
store in air tight jar for a week or two.